Manor Park Primary School

'Playing, learning and growing together'

To comply with Health and Safety and to ensure the welfare and well-being of pupils and staff there are some regulations in place at school to ensure we all stay safe and happy. These include:


We ask that your child does not wear jewellery for school. It can pose a danger if it gets caught in equipment etc. Also, jewellery often has sentimental value and we are unable to accept responsibility for it.

Any child who does wear jewellery for school, will be instructed to remove it before PE lessons. If your child has recently had their ears pierced and needs to wear their earrings continuously for six weeks, you must ensure that they are the small stud type. They will need to use an ear band, to go swimming. The ear band is available from local sports shops.


The school strongly discourages children from bringing mobile phones to school. Children should not require a mobile phone during the school day. Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency the school office remains a vital and appropriate point of contact. Children are able to use the school phone to contact parents if need be.

Parents are advised that if they require their child to bring a mobile phone into school for after school use in connection with safety issues, the child must ensure their telephone is switched off and hand it in at the school office at the start of the day. It is the child’s responsibility to collect it at the end of the day.

School accept no responsibility for any personal items that the children bring in from home, this includes mobile phones. Mobile phones are brought to school entirely at the owner's risk.


Children should not bring valuables, toys or ‘precious belongings’ to school. We know from experience that loss, or damage, can be very upsetting for all concerned. Parents are advised that if children bring valuable property to school, neither the Department of Education, Sport and Culture, nor the teachers or other employees of the Department will be responsible for any loss or damage to such property.