Manor Park Primary School

'Playing, learning and growing together'


The Education Act places on all schools (and staff within the school) the duty to state and pursue policies designed to promote good behaviour and discipline.

At Manor Park School Good Behaviour is promoted and recognised.

We teach the children that it is their responsibility to make the most of their time at school.

We emphasise the need to challenge yourself, do your best and tackle new learning with enthusiasm.

Children are expected to behave in a way that allows all children to learn.

Pupil are expected to show respect to all adults and children at school and at home.

Manor Park seeks to put into practice the shared values of the school community which consists of students, school staff, Governors and the wider community.

The school focuses on positive praise, catching children doing something good.

Praise can be linked to work, effort, willingness, contribution, co-operation, teamwork, thoughtful actions towards and for others and personal achievement.

Types of recognition include:

  • Positive, verbal, comments in class and/or reinforcement at end of lesson.
  • Class Star Certificate given during a weekly praising assembly for examples of good, positive behaviour
  • Consistent use of the ClassDojo – a Dojo point is given to children in the morning, lunchtime and afternoon for following the school’s rules of ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’.
  • Extra Dojo points are given when adults identify positive behaviour including:

-Furthering their learning through independent work and homework
-Considering other pupils before themselves
-Setting a good example to others
-Celebrating the success of others



More in the section Behaviour:

Behaviour of Visitors to School

It is important to ensure the safety and security of all pupils, staff and visitors at Manor Park School. All members of our school community have the right to expect that their school is a safe place in which to work and learn. Any form of abuse, threatening behaviour or violence in our school con…

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At Manor Park School we expect high standards of behaviour at all times. With young children it can sometimes be difficult to be certain that it is bullying and not boisterous, aggressive play. If bullying is suspected then, immediate, positive action is taken. Bullying is a totally unacceptable be…

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