Manor Park Primary School

'Playing, learning and growing together'

It is important to ensure the safety and security of all pupils, staff and visitors at Manor Park School. All members of our school community have the right to expect that their school is a safe place in which to work and learn. Any form of abuse, threatening behaviour or violence in our school contravenes Section 21 of the Education Act 2001 and will not be tolerated.

A School Policy has been approved by the Department of Education and Children and the school’s Governing body to enable the protection of all pupils, staff, parents and visitors.

Types of behaviour that are considered serious and unacceptable and which will not be tolerated in relation to members of staff, children and other members of the community are:

  • verbal intimidation, for example shouting or swearing, either in person or over the telephone,
  • verbal abuse, for example speaking rudely or making negative personal comments,
  • any form of physical contact,
  • physical intimidation, e.g. standing unnecessarily close to a member of staff,
  • the use of rude or aggressive hand gestures, including pointing, shaking or holding a fist towards another person,
  • spitting,
  • breaching the school’s security procedures. All visitors to the school must first report to the main reception area.
  • constant emails and/or phone calls which amount to harassment and intimidation, despite the school’s best efforts to address a situation,
  • regularly emailing staff and expecting responses at unreasonable times such as late at night or weekends. Emails sent to the school office ( will be responded to within one working day wherever possible,
  • inappropriate electronic activity including publishing abusive or inappropriate content with regards to the school, teachers or students on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter or in email communication,

This is not a complete list but seeks to provide examples of such behaviour. Whilst the use of such behaviour is unacceptable in all circumstances, the school is particularly concerned to protect its pupils from being exposed to such behaviour (whether or not directed at them).

All incidents of inappropriate behaviour will be logged wth the School’s Chair of Governors.

Unacceptable behaviour may result in the police being called or informed of the incident. Individuals whose behaviour is deemed abusive may be removed from school premises by the police and can be served with a ban by the Governing body while the matter is investigated. A ban may be imposed following the investigation for a fixed period of time before being reviewed. During this time the individual will not be allowed on school premises.

A copy of the full policy is available from the school office and this outlines the steps that will be taken should the need arise.

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BEHAVIOUR The Education Act places on all schools (and staff within the school) the duty to state and pursue policies designed to promote good behaviour and discipline. At Manor Park School Good Behaviour is promoted and recognised. We teach the children…

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