Manor Park Primary School

'Playing, learning and growing together'

At Manor Park School we expect high standards of behaviour at all times.

With young children it can sometimes be difficult to be certain that it is bullying and not boisterous, aggressive play.

If bullying is suspected then, immediate, positive action is taken. Bullying is a totally unacceptable behaviour, which will not be tolerated at Manor Park School.

As part of our approach to this problem we:-

  • respond quickly to incidents of bullying.
  • always investigate suspicions of bullying.
  • try to ensure that there is a climate of trust and openness in which children feel able to express their worries or concerns.
  • we make it clear to the children that it is everyone's responsibility to make sure that bullying does not take place. They must tell someone if they think it is happening.
  • we record and log all incidents of bullying.
  • we support the victim and deal with the bully.
  • we inform and liaise with the parents of the children involved.

If you have any cause for concern then please do not hesitate to get in touch with school.

A leaflet outlining the procedures taken by school and how parents and pupils can help manage bullying behaviour effectively is attached here:

Manor Park School Anti-Bullying Leaflet

The school's Anti-Bullying Policy can be found here:


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BEHAVIOUR The Education Act places on all schools (and staff within the school) the duty to state and pursue policies designed to promote good behaviour and discipline. At Manor Park School Good Behaviour is promoted and recognised. We teach the children…

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School Information Behaviour Bullying